Course Code |
Course Title |
Credits |
Prerequisite |
Term – 1 |
CSE1102 |
Introduction to Programming |
1 |
GEF1101 |
Academic English I (GED 1) |
3 |
MAT1101 |
Differential and Integral Calculus |
3 |
PHY1101 & PHY1102 |
Physics I & LAB |
3+1 |
Total Credits |
11 |
Term – 2 |
CSE1201 & CSE1202 |
Structured Programming & LAB |
3+1 |
CSE1102 |
CSE1203 |
Discrete Mathematics |
3 |
UCC1101 |
Bangla Bhasha (GED 2) |
3 |
MAT1201 |
Co-ordinate Geometry and Linear Algebra |
3 |
ESK1110 |
Study Skills |
0 |
Total Credits |
13 |
Term – 3 |
PHY1301 |
Physics II |
3 |
CSE1301 & CSE1302 |
Data Structures & LAB |
3+1 |
CSE1201 & CSE1202 |
EEE1101 & EEE1102 |
Electrical Circuit 1 & LAB |
3+1 |
UCC1102 (ULAB Core Course) |
Emergence of Independent Bangladesh (GED 3) |
3 |
ESK1111 |
Healthy Life Skills |
0 |
Total Credits |
14 |
Term – 4 |
MAT2101 |
Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis |
3 |
GEF1102 |
Academic English II (GED 4) |
3 |
CSE2101 & CSE2102 |
Digital Logic Design & Lab |
3+1 |
CSE2103 & CSE2104 |
Object Oriented Programming & LAB |
CSE1201 & CSE1202 |
ESK1112 |
Social Skills |
0 |
Total Credits |
14 |
Term – 5 |
CSE2201 & CSE2202 |
Algorithms & LAB |
3+1 |
CSE1203, CSE1201, CSE1202 |
CSE2203 |
Computer Organization and Architecture |
3 |
CSE2101 |
STA2101 |
Statistics and Probability |
3 |
EEE2401 & EEE2402 |
Electronic Device and circuits 1 & LAB |
3+1 |
CSE2200 |
Design Project-I |
1 |
CSE2103, CSE2104 |
ESK1114 |
Professional Skills |
0 |
Total Credits |
15 |
Term – 6 |
CSE2301 & CSE2302 |
Database Management System & Lab |
3+1 |
CSE2303 |
Automata and Theory of Computation |
3 |
CSE2201 |
CSE2305 & CSE2306 |
Operating Systems & Lab |
3+1 |
CSE2203 |
GED 2159 |
Professional Ethics (GED 5) |
3 |
Total Credits |
14 |
Term – 7 |
CSE3101 & CSE3102 |
Microprocessor and Microcontroller & Lab |
3+1 |
CSE2203 |
GED Elective 1 (GED 6 from Tier 1) |
3 |
CSE3103 |
System Analysis and Design |
3 |
CSE2103 |
GED 2243 |
Environment and Sustainability (GED 7 from Tier 2) |
3 |
CSE3120 |
Web Programming |
1 |
CSE2103 & CSE2104 |
Total Credits |
14 |
Term – 8 |
CSE3201 & CSE3202 |
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning & Lab |
3+1 |
CSE2201, CSE2202, STA2101, MAT1201 |
CSE3203 |
Software Engineering |
3 |
CSE3103 |
CSE3200 |
Design Project-II |
1 |
CSE2301, CSE2302, CSE3103, CSE2200 |
CSE3205 & CSE3206 |
Computer Networks & Lab |
3+1 |
GED 2248 |
Industrial Management (GED 8 from Tier 3) |
3 |
Total Credits |
15 |
Term – 9 |
Major Elective 1 |
3 |
CSE3301 |
Cyber Security |
3 |
CSE2305, CSE2306, CSE3205, CSE3206 |
Optional/Minor 1 |
3 |
CSE4098A |
Capstone Project 1 |
1 |
Total Credits |
10 |
Term – 10 |
Major Elective 2 + Lab |
3+1 |
Major Elective 3 |
3 |
Optional/Minor 2 |
3 |
CSE4098B |
Capstone Project 2 |
1 |
Total Credits |
11 |
Term – 11 |
Major Elective 4 |
3 |
Optional/Minor 3 |
3 |
CSE4098C |
Capstone Project 3 |
2 |
Total Credits |
8 |
Term – 12 |
CSE4099 |
Internship / Thesis |
1 |
Total Credits |
1 |